Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thursday, May 10

Today's TASK: 
MUST BE FINISHED IN CLASS (Due at the end of period 2 on Thursday) 
(IF you are taking the DELF exam, you will be given an extension to finish it Thursday night.
1. Create a Prezi account  www.prezi.com  
2. Create a Timeline Line for your novel using Prezi.com   
  •  Your Timeline must have 6 or more items (from the beginning of the book until the current chapter you are reading).  
  • Each timeline item must have an image. Include a citation / link to the website where you got the image either in the Prezi or on your blog post.       

3. Create a blog post and link to your Prezi in the post. (See my sample post for an example). Write a short description of your timeline in the post.

Extra Credit:
If you finish steps #1- #3, then you can complete the following task for extra credit:

Read and comment on one other class member’s blog who is reading your book. Say three things that you like about their COMPARE / CONTRAST post from last week and ask a       question. It should be about 100 words.


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